About Me


Level 3 Personal Trainer

Level 3 Exercise Referral

Level 2 Fitness Instructor

Gym Based Boxing Instructor

Studio Cycling Instructor

Metabolic Resistance &

Conditioning Instructor

Level 5 Diet Specialist

Fully Qualified Chef

Heather Christina

Personal Trainer, Diet Specialist, Healthy Lifestyle Coach


My love of a healthy lifestyle, food, nutrition and fitness began at a very early age. As an energetic teenager I enjoyed home workouts, bike rides and jogging with Mum, long countryside walks with Dad and my brothers and fitness classes and swimming at the local sports centre with my friends as often as we could. It kept us out of trouble…well, for the most part anyway.

Qualifying as a chef in my late teens, I went on to forge a career working within Hotels and Health Spas. From here, my knowledge and love of food and nutrition flourished and became my passion. But the crazy long hours kept me away from my family and friends and my fitness regime took a backseat too.

In my 20’s, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This life changing condition threw my world into turmoil for a while. I left the hospitality industry and spent many years working as an Estate Agent. I held very little love for this position but the more civilised hours allowed me the time to find myself again, to spend much missed, valuable time with my family and friends and…I met my soulmate.


After a period of calm and good health, I fell victim to complacency. I became extremely ill and very nearly lost the battle. The aftermath of neglecting my health hit hard. All of this, combined with the loss of my dear Mum, shook me to the core. My body took a huge blow and this loss of control severely compromised my mental health too. I hit rock bottom.


Fortunately, I am blessed with an amazing family, partner and friends. They held me up and helped me through this really difficult time. My partner bought me a new gym membership. I grew stronger and my health improved. From here, a new passion was born. I soon realised that my interest in nutrition and fitness was more than a hobby. I wanted to help others to get fit and healthy too. So I threw caution to the wind and put the wheels in motion to pursue a new career.

I gained my Nutrition and Personal Training qualifications and doors began to open, allowing me to build a career helping and supporting others to get fitter, healthier, happier and more confident, whilst providing the skills and knowledge needed to live their best fitness life…FOREVER!

I changed my life. Together, with my help, we can change yours for the better too.

Heather Christina Whitehead